Unlock Affordable Wardrobe Rental Options for Your Next Project!
If you're gearing up for an exciting film or print project and require affordable wardrobe rentals, Stylist Budget Rentals is here for you!
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Frequently asked questions
Explore the FAQs to ensure you're well-prepared to embark on your wardrobe rental journey with us.
How we work:
1. SBR offers weekly rentals. We do not allow approval periods due to our low pricing. Your rental starts on the date you request.
2. The minimum order amount is $110
3. To place an order, you must create an account. You will do this during your checkout process. This requirement helps us filter out any general public attempting to rent from us.
4. During the checkout process, you have the option to choose local pickup, local Los Angeles delivery, or shipping outside of Los Angeles.
5. Worn clothing must be professionally cleaned. Please follow the instructions on the clothing label ( not all items can be dry-cleaned). When returning items, please keep them in the clear bag.
- If items come back damaged or stained you will be charged 10 times the rental price.
- If you receive an item that is damaged or stained, you must notify us on the same day of receiving your order. If not notified on the same day, you will be charged 10 times the rental price as a replacement.
6. All orders need to be approved before they can be processed.
7. A refundable deposit when you place your order is necessary. Once your order is fully returned and in proper condition, you will receive your full deposit back.
All items returned damaged or stained will be charged 10 times the rental price of the item.
**If you receive an item that is damaged or stained, you must notify us on the same day of receiving your order. If not notified on the same day, you will be charged 10 times the rental price as a replacement
No, items cannot be rented for personal use. You must be part of a production, such as a commercial, photo shoot, or student project. You must provide proof of the project either with a production company or the head of productions